
9 Reasons to Love the Roadrunner Trail System

Spring is fast approaching us at 道尔顿状态 and we hope it is bringing pleasant and less hectic weather with it. Students will be able to enjoy the new season right here on campus thanks to the Roadrunner Trail System. Here are 9 reasons to get excited about hitting the trails!

1. 仅一步之遥

The Roadrunner Trail System (RTS) is seconds from  campus, with four entrances along the ridge of 道尔顿状态 College. 所有 these entrances are easy to access and can be reached from anywhere within a few minutes!

2. 三英里的乐趣

In total there are currently four completed trails that make up the RTS, with another being under construction. The total distance of them all is a little over three miles. Each trail has different features and sights that make them all worth checking out.

3. Part of the Campus 社区

The RTS is managed by Biology Professor Dr. John Lugthart, who uses faculty, staff and students to help maintain it. The trails have become a big part of the 道尔顿状态 community as it brings together those who use them and maintain them.

4. 锻炼

道尔顿状态's trails are the perfect place to get in a quick run or hike. Aside from the occasional steep hill or minor obstacle, the trails are an easy and safe place to walk or run. 

5. 季节

Hiking the RTS means you are surrounded by relatively untouched woods, allowing you to easily watch as the seasons come and go and as the foliage changes color with them.

6. Local Flora and Fauna

所有 along the trails, there are small wooden signs that tell you quick facts about plants and animals you might encounter during your hike. They also help in identifying any flora and fauna by showing you pictures of them.

7. 缓解压力

Walking in the forest has been proven to improve moods and relieve stress. Forest Bathing (translated from the Japanese phrase Shinrin Yoku) is a great way to let out any pent-up frustrations, especially after a tough test.

8. 流

On College Creek Trail hikers can find a small stream that quickly becomes a babbling brook with several small waterfalls after a rain. This spot has several benches overlooking it and is the perfect place to stop and relax or do some quick undisturbed 研究.

9. Making a Difference

These trails are only able to continue to be so wonderful through the help of students, faculty and staff maintaining them. They offer a great opportunity for any students wanting to get more involved with the community here on campus by giving them a chance to help keep them beautiful for years to come.

posted 02/27/2020 in 走鹃国家



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